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Trusted Partner Program

Program features

The Trusted Partner Program is designed to reward our loyal partners with exclusive features that will improve their reputation and profitability. There are three main unique features:

1. Verification badge

Each Trusted Partner will have a blue verification badge next to its logo that will be shown across several touchpoints throughout the Financer.com site, including the company’s main description page.

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2. Directly reply to users

Trusted Partners will be able to directly reply to users’ reviews and request for re-evaluation after addressing their issues.

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3. Mark reviews as “inaccurate”

Trusted Partners can also mark spam or malicious reviews as “inaccurate” after conducting their due diligence. Inaccurate reviews are not counted in the average review score and are showing with faded colours and warning labels.

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Program perks

Current perks

  • Trusted Partner site-wide badge
  • Reply to reviews and contact reviewers
  • Moderate reviews and mark them as inaccurate
  • Improve brand credibility - reputation - trust
  • Gain a competitive advantage over other offers
  • Improve customer satisfaction
  • Increase quality leads
  • Improve overall review scores
  • Increase CTR & Conversion Rates
  • Exclusive priority “Partner” support by our team

Planned perks (TBA)

  • Exclusive Trusted Partner checkbox on loan search filters
  • Featured in Financer.com’s Global Partner Page
  • Priority being featured as a “Featured Lender” across our social media channels
  • Priority to write to the Guest Blog posts section
  • Get featured in Financer.com’s email newsletter
  • Get featured in Financer.com’s annual magazine shared in FinTech conferences

Program requirements

Banks and lenders who wish to be considered as “Trusted Partners” need to fulfil those prerequisites.

  1. Represent a registered company in one of the 23 markets that Financer.com is available
  2. Have a company page published in Financer.com
  3. Implement the “Review Badge” widget in their official homepage or in any of their main product pages
  4. Respond to all new reviews of in the company page from the moment they become a Trusted Partner
  5. Maintain an average review score above 3.0

Apply to join our Trusted Partner Program

Contact the Country Manager responsible for your market to have your company listed in Financer.com

Review badge

Rating Badge

The Financer.com Review Badge is a simple image link that you can put on your site to always display your average review score. Whenever a new review is posted on your company page, the image is regenerated at the same link with the updated rating. This complies with performance and security best practices while still showing your score dynamically.

The main benefit of the Review Badge is that it improves the reputation and trust for your site since it provides an independent review score by your users.

See the Review Badge in action

The Review badge can work in synergy with the Trusted Lender badge, to provide a seamless experience to the user who is searching about your brand online.

According to our case studies, companies that both implemented the review badge and improved their review feedback scores have seen up to a 3-fold increase for their CTR.

Get your Review Badge inspected

Contact the Country Manager responsible for your market to have your Review Badge implementation inspected

Badge installation

Implementation time: (5 minutes)

  1. Visit your company page at Financer.com
  2. Click “Get this badge”
  3. Choose “script”
  4. Choose full or minimal
  5. Choose one of the rating options
  6. Click the “Copy Code” button
  7. Paste the code in your site’s homepage or in one of your main product pages

If you need any help regarding the installation of the badge or the Trusted Partners Program please contact us at [email protected]

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