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Joe Chappius
Joe Chappius
Get in touch with Joe

Joe Chappius

Joe is a seasoned financial adviser with over a decade in the industry, and Head of the US Market at financer.com. Throughout his career, he's directly assisted families, high-income individuals, and business owners with their financial needs. Joe draws on his wealth of client-facing experience to author insightful and high-quality financial content.

About the author

Joe is the Head of US market for Financer, and boasts over a decade of experience in the financial industry, marked by a rich and varied journey. He began his career boots on the ground, selling insurance and giving basic financial advice to young families.

Following his early career phase, Joe’s professional journey led him to co-found a fee-only financial planning firm, where he offers tailored advice on comprehensive planning and wealth management to high-income individuals and business leaders. Joe’s depth of knowledge stems not just from academic sources but is also deeply influenced by his numerous real-world client interactions.

As an author, Joe shares his extensive journey and knowledge, ensuring his insights are both authoritative and grounded in practical experience. A notable highlight of his career was being interviewed and quoted by Ron Lieber in a 2020 New York Times article.

From a young age, Joe was driven by an insatiable curiosity, always eager to expand his own understanding and impart his knowledge to others. He has been particularly concerned about the lack of financial literacy in traditional education systems and is dedicated to bridging this gap, advocating for the importance of financial skills in the modern world.

Joe’s interests also extend to technology and the digital realm. He is fascinated by the potential of digital platforms to disseminate thoughts, ideas, and opinions globally. In recent years, he has merged his financial expertise with his passion for the digital world, focusing on writing high-quality financial content that combines his extensive hands-on experience with his personal interests.

For Joe, trust is more than just a word; it’s the cornerstone of all his interactions. Whether it’s through direct consultations, his writings, or digital platforms, he is committed to providing reliable, authoritative, and actionable financial guidance. His mission is to establish trust and deliver valuable financial insights across various mediums




  • Over a decade in the financial industry advising clients.
  • Co-Founded Under Par Planning, where he managed over $25 Million in client assets.
  • Recognized financial expert, quoted in a 2020 New York Times article by Ron Lieber.
  • Accredited with a CLU certification from The American College of Financial Services.

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