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Ross Loehr
Ross Loehr
Get in touch with Ross

Ross Loehr

I work as an expert financial reviewer for Financer.com US. I am interested in economics, investing, and helping others better understand finances and markets. I want to help our readers make smarter and more informed financial decisions.

About the author

My interest in financial services and planning began when I was a child. I watched a close relative struggle financially due to a lack of financial planning. This outcome could have been avoided with education and guidance.

This experience drove me to study economics and finance in college and to follow a career path that could help others reach financial security and freedom.

I have nearly 20 years of experience in the financial services industry with a focus on relationship building and financial planning. I have been actively involved in all aspects of several startups and small businesses.

I had a research paper on Leveraged ETFs and their suitability for long-term investors published in the International Journal of Arts and Commerce published in 2013. I have written hundreds of articles for multiple publications with a focus on credit cards, investments, college savings, travel, and more.

Outside of work I enjoy camping and hiking with my wife, daughter, and son. I am an avid surfer and for the past 11 years have hit a personal goal of getting in the water at least 150 times each year. I also am a travel blogger and have travel experience in over 50 countries.




I graduated Cum Laude with a double major in Finance and Economics from the University of North Florida. I have been a CFP® professional since 2009 and returned to UNF where I earned an MBA with a focus on Finance in 2011.

I have nearly 20 years of experience in the finance industry and have been quoted as an expert for articles by MoneyGeek,com and WealthManagement. com.

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