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Stephan Gerve
April 19, 2023


Nothing at all.


BE VERY CAREFUL! I submitted an application and then received an email link to link my bank account with them. Then I called customer service to verify the application status and they said the bank account number transmitted during the bank linking process didn\'t match what was on the loan application and that they wanted me to send them a bank statement. Clearly, they matched as I was able to verify to her that I had entered the right account number on the application by looking at a copy of my application. After wasting my breath yelling at this stubborn customer service rep, I asked for her supervisor and they told me the exact last four digits of the bank account number that was transmitted to them during the link process. It was completely different. Then she went on to say some BS excuse like how it may have been from my saving account or how it was transmitted incorrectly. I don\'t even have a savings account. I knew at that point they were scamming people or trying to do some shady stuff. DO NOT APPLY FOR A LOAN WITH THEM! DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION!
Cash Central
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