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August 31, 2018



These guys are scammer so went on Web sight it let me fill half of it out then brought me to different spot there was a number so I called she took all my info said I would get a email but not to open it as it would take me back threw sign up but they wanted to verify my account she came back said it would not verify that I had direct deposit wanted pay stub threw it all I talked to several people they all came up with different things. I relied things where not adding up then I supoedly talked to someone higher up I asked her why they needed all this info she said she wasn't sure she was not part of that process.( Rember that) I was told they need one of my bank statement I blocked all my transaction but my direct deposit I also sent pic before that because one of the people said thst would work lol now when I called her back I asked for her she said that would not work I asked her why then she gave me excuse then I trapped her up I asked her a question about why they would now all the sudden need three months earlier when I asked her how they could get the information she said when we verify we can see all your account info and ttransportation I said the bank let's you see three months she said yes. I let that go she said we won't let you get the loan with out it. Then she said I will be the one doing it all now I will do the under writing .rember earlier when she said she didn't do that and another thing to think about if they could see my bank statements why did I need to send them. All in all don't I repeat don't use them I called my bank and had them flag it
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