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December 31, 2018



My first approval was around 300 dollars as you pay off the loans the amount jumps up more and more. Along with the interest payments. *its easy to get caught in the Payday loan black hole with them.* I made a payment to refinance so I wouldn't miss the due date. I payed the months interest and was going to pay the total amount off 2 days later. When I called to do so I was going to have to pay my principal amount as well as a FULL month of interest even after paying it 2 days prior. And I was doing all this before the actual due date. They are friendly helpful and get u money fast. But it feels as if you pay it back with an arm and a leg as well. Use caution when borrowing from them. There are many more manageable companies with payment programs that wont put you in a worse spot than when u initially got the loan.
Cash Central
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