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Elizabeth Butts
May 11, 2023


I liked the fact that I could get Instacash during the month when needed


The downsides way outweigh any good that the Instacash could offer. 1.) I applied for a loan back in October 2022. Have my identification (birthdate, SS#, email address, phone #, address) the whole 9 yards. Set up to have my payments drafted from my checking account. All went pretty good until this past month. Payment posted to my bank account on May 2, 2023. Same as always. Only this month, they said that the money wasn’t paid ( I have proof that it was paid) and they are saying that I’m late with my payment. I have called their “Customer Circus” twice. Apparently, 7 months into me paying my loan, my birthday and social security number no longer match. Sometime between October when I opened my account and May my birthday mysteriously changed. There is no where in the app to edit your birthday, and the idiots they have working in their call center are less than helpful and will only spout out a bunch of lies. Will NEVER recommend this company to anyone else. I had just recommended it to all 1500 of my Facebook friends in April, and now I went back and retracted my recommendation. This is one of the most horrendous companies that I have ever been unfortunate enough to have to deal with. Will be turning everything over yo the Fraud department with my bank this week. Unless you want to be robbed, then do NOT trust this company.
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