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Ozge Oz
August 12, 2021




I have been back and forth with them for 2 months now. I trusted your company and invested my valuable time. I clearly indicated that the 1040 I will be providing for 2020 will be showing low income due to COVID, BUT current bank statements show my business recovered and that I make way more than even what you are asking. And JUST because they ask me to do my taxes and gave me the green light on my bank statements (income) I did my taxes! On the phone they said earlier ALL looks good only thing needed left is 1040. And I just got an email after this LONG journey that they do not accept me because my 1040 shows low income?? AND WHEN I CALLED THEM THEIR EMPLOYEE JUST HUNG UP ON ME AT THE END OF THE CALL. This is not professional and all their employees do have an attitude problem. Even DMV has a better treatment. If they are not happy working for you they should just QUIT. From beginning to end the entire process was torturous. I will do my best to be sure no one around me works with them.
Happy Money
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