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Rice Gorbunova
June 28, 2024


My fund recovery experience.


Four months ago, if they had told me I would be a fraud victim, I would not believe it. but you know they say life can happen to anyone at any time. That was my case because I invested my hard earned savings of 350, 000.00$ into a wrong bitcoin platform that promised about 30% profit earnings monthly. Let me say I was tempted to invest because of the promised profit  and because I mean life itself is a risk, and to make more money you have to be able to sacrifice and take risks. I Mean the right risk, I think in my own case I did the wrong risk. I did not give up, because I, RICE, don\'t give up easily on life, i did some research online and offline and got many good reports about a specific recovery team. BACKEND RECOVERY TEAM. they are who they say they are, i mean these guys gave their best and i got an amazing result by getting 90% of my savings and their charge fee is fair. THANK YOU MR HAMILTON FOR WHAT YOU AND YOUR TEAM DID. I am grateful. Contact them via mail: BACKEND RECOVER AT RESCUE TEAM DOT COM.
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