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Market Cap
0.74% of crypto market
Volume (24h)
2,629,293,267 DOGE
Circulating supply
144,909,746,384 DOGE
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Dogecoin Price Data

The live Dogecoin price today is $0.12230500 with a 24-hour trading volume of $321,575,713.

We update our DOGE to USD price in real-time. The price of Dogecoin has changed -1.21% in the last 24 hours.

Currently, Dogecoin is the #10 largest cryptocurrency by market cap, with a live market cap of $17,724,323,266.00. It has a circulating supply of 144,909,746,384 DOGE coins but the maximum supply is not available.

See where to buy Dogecoin or use our Dogecoin Profit Calculator to calculate and track the performance of your investment.

Dogecoin at a glance 

Originating as a playful reaction to Bitcoin’s seriousness, Dogecoin has evolved into a noteworthy cryptocurrency with unique attributes. The meme cryptocurrency has seen distinctive adoption by both individuals and businesses for tipping, sponsorship, and micro-donations.

What is Dogecoin

Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency created as a playful reaction to Bitcoin.

Originally conceived as a playful parody, Dogecoin has rapidly ascended the ranks of the cryptocurrency world, securing a place in the top 10 cryptocurrencies in a remarkably short span of time. 

Dogecoin was created in late 2013 as a satirical attempt at the perceived “absurdity” of Bitcoin and the seemingly unwarranted enthusiasm of individuals investing in a digital asset with no tangible backing. 


Dogecoin was created in about two hours. Its logo is based on a meme featuring the dog Shiba Inu, who speaks broken English and is spelled doge instead of dog.

Surprisingly, what began as a lighthearted internet joke soon defied expectations. Just a year after its inception, Dogecoin’s market capitalization soared past $20 million.

The cryptocurrency continued to defy norms. During the bull run of 2017-2018, its market cap surpassed the $1 billion mark.

What determines the price of Dogecoin?

Similar to any tradable asset, the price of Dogecoin depends on the interplay between supply and demand.

While Bitcoin was meticulously designed to embody scarcity and resistance to inflation, the case of Dogecoin takes an alternative route, embracing abundance as its guiding principle.

Notably, a key driver of Dogecoin’s price is social media trends and speculations.

“Dogecoin might be my fav cryptocurrency. It’s pretty cool.” – Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 2, 2019

Dogecoin price history

Over the course of its existence, Dogecoin has undergone significant price fluctuations, with its highest point occurring in May 2021.

During this period, the price of a single Dogecoin surged to $0.68, resulting in the cryptocurrency’s total market capitalization surpassing the impressive milestone of $50 billion.

However, Dogecoin’s history also bore moments of volatility. In May 2015, for a short period, the price of dogecoin plummeted to $0.0000869, sinking below its original creation price.

However, it rebounded in 2018 and reached a new high of $0.013. The bull run of 2021 saw another new high of $0.68.

Elon Musk’s adoption and price surge

In subsequent years, Dogecoin attracted the fancy of influential figures, with one of the most prominent being Elon Musk. In a tweet from 2019, he playfully proclaimed Dogecoin to be his preferred cryptocurrency, inciting widespread enthusiasm.

Simultaneously, Elon Musk posted a series of tweets about Dogecoin and took part in a dedicated segment on the U.S. show “Saturday Night Live.”

During this segment, Musk humorously dubbed himself the “father of Doge” and hinted at ambitions to send the coin’s price “to the moon.”

Musk’s endorsement amplified Dogecoin’s visibility across social media platforms, prompting a frenzy of fear of missing out (FOMO) among thousands of investors, leading to a rush to acquire Dogecoin.

The coin’s value soared to an unprecedented $0.68, resulting in substantial profits for some investors.

How does Dogecoin work?

Similar to numerous other cryptocurrencies, Dogecoin operates on its own distinct blockchain, with its underlying technology deriving from Litecoin, a prominent competitor to Bitcoin.

The foundation of the Dogecoin ecosystem is its blockchain, functioning through a proof-of-work (PoW) mechanism. Individuals known as “miners” utilize computational power to tackle intricate mathematical problems, facilitating transaction processing and subsequently recording these transactions onto the blockchain. 

This distributed network of miners ensures the security and validity of transactions through cryptographic protocols, perpetually updating Dogecoin’s digital ledger with newly executed transactions.

Employing the Scrypt algorithm, Dogecoin distinguishes itself with its affordability and unlimited market supply. However, this unlimited supply poses a challenge to sustaining prolonged price speculation, making it difficult for the currency’s value to maintain a consistently high level over time.

What is Dogecoin used for?

Dogecoin serves a primary purpose as a means of payment and transaction, though it is less commonly regarded as a reliable store of value within the cryptocurrency landscape.

In recent years, notable corporations including Tesla, Nissan, AMC Cinemas, and Google have begun to accept Dogecoin as a form of payment for certain goods and services. However, its predominant utility largely centers around social media platforms.

Across these networks, Dogecoin finds application in various scenarios, such as:

  • Tipping Strangers: One of the distinctive use cases for Dogecoin is the act of tipping individuals for their contributions on platforms like Reddit, Twitter, and others. These microtransactions are often used to acknowledge insightful comments, creative content, or helpful advice.
  • Sponsorship: Dogecoin has demonstrated its ability to sponsor activities with a light-hearted touch. For instance, a group of enthusiasts raised over $25,000 in dogecoin to support the Jamaican national bobsled team, aiding their participation in the 2014 Winter Olympics held in Sochi. 
  • Micro Donations: The cryptocurrency’s ease of use and low transaction fees make it suitable for micro-donations. This functionality is particularly beneficial for supporting charitable causes, creative projects, and grassroots initiatives.

While Dogecoin has gained traction in certain commercial circles, its prevalent influence remains tied to its distinctive role as a tool for fostering interaction and engagement within online communities.

Who are the founders of Dogecoin?

Dogecoin was created by Jackson Palmer and Billy Marcus in 2013. Jackson Palmer was working as a product manager at Adobe at the time while Billy Marcus was working as a software engineer at  IBM. 

What originated as a humorous endeavor eventually gave rise to the first meme-inspired cryptocurrency, earning the title “the people’s crypto” as playfully dubbed by Elon Musk. 

What makes Dogecoin unique?

Some of the features that set Dogecoin apart include: 

  • Uncertain Total Supply: In direct contrast to the approach of Bitcoin and similar digital assets, which aim for scarcity, Dogecoin was intentionally conceived as an inflationary currency. This fundamental difference shapes its economic model. 
  • Contrasting Mining Process: The process of mining Dogecoin deviates significantly from that of its peers. Leveraging Scrypt technology, Dogecoin employs an approach that facilitates considerably faster coin mining rates when compared to the mining processes of other cryptocurrencies. This technical divergence contributes to Dogecoin’s distinctive character within the blockchain landscape. 

How is Dogecoin secured?

The security of Dogecoin hinges upon its utilization of the Proof-of-Work (PoW) mining mechanism, which serves a dual purpose: facilitating the creation of new Dogecoins and safeguarding the integrity of the network itself.

Notably, this PoW approach is akin to Bitcoin’s, but there exist distinctive attributes within Dogecoin’s security framework. 

The underpinning protocol that shapes Dogecoin’s security structure is inherited from Litecoin, a fellow cryptocurrency. Sharing the Scrypt algorithm with Litecoin enables Dogecoin to greatly enhance mining efficiency and speed.

This distinction allows the mining of Dogecoin to occur more swiftly and resource-efficiently than certain other digital currencies. 


What is Dogecoin

Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency created as a playful reaction to Bitcoin.

What is Dogecoin used for?

Dogecoin finds application as a payment method at various merchants that embrace cryptocurrency transactions. It has gained recognition as a leading digital currency for tipping, particularly within online communities such as Reddit, Twitch, and Twitter.

What does Elon Musk have to do with Dogecoin?

Elon Musk expressed his affinity for Dogecoin by dubbing it his favorite cryptocurrency in a 2019 tweet.

 In 2021, Musk’s endorsements contributed to the cryptocurrency’s price surge. Notably, as Twitter’s CEO, he revealed plans for the platform to accept Dogecoin as payment for the blue verification badge. Furthermore, Musk’s company, Tesla, allows Dogecoin payments for select merchandise.

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Abraham is a savvy financial analyst, trader, and writer, leveraging a Google certification in data analytics alongside a Bachelor's degree in Economics to navigate and excel in the dynamic landscape of finance. Abraham boasts exceptional analytical skills and market research prowess, evidenced by a remarkable three-month winning streak trading bitcoin futures without a single loss, earning him recognition on Binance USD-M crypto futures' top 200 weekly charts. Currently serving as the Assisting Country Manager for Financer US, Abraham combines practical expertise with a passion for demystifying finance.

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