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Best Hardship Loans 2023: Find the Lowest Loan Rates

Written by:  Lorien Strydom
Last updated: January 19, 2024

We help you find the best hardship loans and apply online. With Financer.com you can:

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  • Compare personal loan rates from multiple lenders
  • Apply for a personal loan of up to $50,000

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What Are Hardship Loans?

Hardship loans are typically small, short-term loans that are used to cover expenses during a time of financial difficulty. They can be used for things like paying rent, utility bills, or medical bills.


Hardship loans usually have higher interest rates and fees, so they should only be used as a last resort. If you’re considering a hardship loan, be sure to compare offers from multiple lenders to find the best terms.

Hardship loans can come in many forms, such as payday loanstitle loanspawn shop loans, and cash advance loans.

These types of personal loans often have more favorable terms than credit cards or standard personal loan products.

However, they may have stricter eligibility requirements or higher interest rates than a traditional loan.

Additionally, some hardship loan providers may need collateral as security for the loan or add additional fees if the borrower misses payments on their loan.

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Types of Loans for Financial Hardship

There are many different types of hardship loans available to borrowers who are struggling to make ends meet.

Each type of loan has its own unique terms and conditions, so it’s important to understand the difference between them before you apply for one.

Here’s a breakdown of the most common types of hardship loans:

Payday Loans

Payday loans are short-term personal loans that typically have to be paid back on the borrower’s next payday. They tend to have higher interest rates and fees, so they should only be used as a last resort.

Title Loans

Title loans use your car as collateral. They typically have shorter repayment terms than other loans, but they also come with higher interest rates and fees.

Personal Loans

You may use personal loans for anything you want, including debt consolidation or covering unexpected expenses.

The terms of personal loans vary depending on the lender, but they typically have lower interest rates than other types of loans.

An unsecured hardship loan is a type of personal loan that does not require collateral. Instead, lenders will evaluate your credit score and financial situation to determine how much you can borrow.


Because most lenders use strict credit requirements, unsecured hardship personal loans might be difficult to qualify for if you have poor credit.

In contrast to an unsecured loan, a secured hardship loan requires collateral. Thus, most lenders will have more relaxed requirements, making it easier for borrowers with low credit scores to qualify.

401(k) Hardship Withdrawal

You may be able to use your retirement plan to take out a short-term loan. Employers often offer this option in specific circumstances, including:

  • Repairs to your home
  • To avoid a foreclosure
  • To fund college tuition
  • To pay off certain medical expenses
  • To pay for funeral expenses


Borrowing money from your retirement fund may help you avoid high-interest debt and give you an alternative if you don’t qualify for a loan with a lender or financial institution.

However, you may be charged a penalty fee for withdrawing from your 401(k) and it may also negatively impact your retirement if you don’t put back what you’ve borrowed.

Peer-to-Peer Loans

P2P (peer-to-peer) loans are in many ways the same as borrowing money from friends or family but in this case the people who lend you money can be anyone.

Borrowers that have no credit or a low credit score can also use P2P lending as the requirements for these loans typically aren’t as stringent as with a traditional loan.

However, some P2P lenders could require their investors to adhere to specific criteria before they are allowed to lend money, making the platform more secure.

Alternatives To Hardship Loans

There are a few alternatives to hardship loans that may be more appropriate for your situation. You could consider:

  • Personal loans: This can be a good option for borrowers with good credit, especially if you want the best interest rates. You’ll need to repay the loan over a set period of time, but it can give you the breathing room you need to get back on track financially.
  • Credit cards: Using a credit card can be helpful if you don’t need a big loan amount you can pay off the balance quickly. Just be sure to avoid higher interest rates and late fees by making your payments on time.
  • Home equity loans: If you have equity in your home, this type of loan allows you to borrow against it and use the funds for whatever you need. However, it’s important to remember that your home is used as collateral, so you could lose it if you can’t repay the loan.
  • Payday alternative loans: These loans are offered by some credit unions and have much lower interest rates than traditional payday loans. They are still short-term loans, so you’ll need to repay them quickly, but they can be a much safer option than taking out a payday loan.

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Hardship Loans - FAQs

How do you get approved for a hardship loan?

The first step is to talk to your bank or credit union to see if they offer hardship loans. If they don’t offer hardship loans, you can also apply for a government-sponsored hardship loan.

To qualify for a government-sponsored hardship loan, you will need to demonstrate that you are facing financial hardship and cannot afford to repay your debts. You may also need to provide paperwork to support this. 

After your application has been reviewed, the lender will make a decision on whether or not to approve your application. Once they do, you can sign the loan agreement and receive the funds.

Can I get a hardship loan with bad credit?

It is possible to get a hardship loan with bad credit. There are lenders who specialize in helping people with bad credit obtain loans for financial hardship.

How much can you get from a hardship loan?

The answer depends on the lender and the specifics of your situation. Some lenders may offer loans of up to $5,000 for those facing financial hardship, while others may cap the loan amount at $1,000. It’s important to shop around and compare loan rates to find the best deal.

Keep in mind that a hardship loan is not intended to be a long-term solution to your financial problems. It’s typically meant to help you cover immediate expenses until you can get back on your feet. As such, most lenders will require that you repay the loan within a few months.

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